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Types of insurance
Life Insurance
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Income Protection
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Total Disability Insurance
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Insurance paid by Super
See how could you pay your insurance premiums via your Superannuation account.
Trauma Insurance
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Business expense insurance
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Australians that are underinsured*
Average number of days off work during to injury
Australians that will suffer a heart attack, stroke or cancer during their lives
Average amount of money we've saved clients on their insurance
We offer a wide range of insurers

Why choose us?
We believe in long term view that is why we offer a free review annually revising your insurance strategy and to see if there has been a change in circumstances.
No salesmen
We are qualified financial advisers not salesmenLicensed financial advisers
We are licensed financial advisersPrivately owned
Privately owned – we give you choice and offer a range of productsRange of insurers
We have 10 insurers on our panelInsurance Information
Insurance within Super
Find out how you could pay for your insurance premiums within your SuperStepped & Level premium information
Learn about the difference between Stepped and Level Insurance premiums